Eligible Candidates

On the basis of the performance in the admission test, the lists of unreserved and reserved candidates shall be prepared and the candidates will be informed accordingly. The candidates shall be selected purely on merit basis. The vacant seats shall be filled up from the waiting list.

Note : The change in the rule of the state Government of Assam in regards to reservation quota shall be followed..


B.P.E.S (1st Year) :

Part - I : Theory :

  1. 1st Paper : English
  2. 2nd Paper : Sociology and Environmental Science
  3. 3rd Paper : General Science
  4. 4th Paper : History and Elements of Physical Education
  5. 5th Paper : Anatomy and Physiology
  6. 6th Paper : Basic Computer Science and Information Technology

Part - II : Skills

(a) Skills in Major Games (Indian and Foreign); Athletics, Yoga, Marching & other formal and physical activities.
(b) Year's Sessional Work.

B.P.E.S (2nd Year)

Part - I : Theory

  1. 1st Paper : Health Education, Correctives and Rehabilitation
  2. 2nd Paper : Physiology of Exercise
  3. 3rd Paper : Methods in Physical Education 4th Paper : Recreation and Yoga
  4. 5th Paper : Management in Physical Education and Sports

Part - II : Skills

Skills in games (Indian and Foreign); Athletics, Gymnastics, other physical Exercises including Yogasana.

Part - III : Practice Teaching

  1. 10 lessons are to be taken throughout the year in Secondary School situtation
  2. Two lessons are to be given at the Annual Examination of which one shall be on Games and Athletics and the other shall be on Formal Activities.

B.P.E.S (Final Year)

Part - I : Theory

  1. 1st Paper : Foundation of Physical Education and Sports
  2. 2nd Paper : Kinesiology and Biomechanics
  3. 3rd Paper : Educational and Sports Psychology
  4. 4th Paper : Test and Measurement in Physical Education
  5. 5th Paper : Officiating and Coaching
  6. 6th Paper : Fundamental of Sports Training

Part - II : Skills

  1. Specialization in Games
  2. Specialization in Physical Activities
  3. Combatives and Indigenous Activities
  4. Specialization in Athletics
  5. Co-curicular Activities

Part - III : Practice Teaching (For External Examination)

  1. Two lessons are to be given at the time of the final Examination one on Athletics and the other on Major games.
  2. Officiating Test on two Games.